Suite aux accusations - plaintes provenant de clients francophones (je rappelle tout de même le non remboursement total via Paypal, le paiement en avance, la communication désastreuse et les emails des clients négligés en autres...), le distributeur officiel de
Sturmwind, l'éditeur allemand
Red Spot Games est sorti de son silence pour poster un court message sur le blog.
Je posterai cette news comme une sorte de droit de réponse :
Dear zouzzz. Again, you are defame us with this posting. This hasn't been made to polish our brand, but to confront the critic we received - you know that most of the inquiries on our Facebook page is from yourself, don't you? Just count it through.
Additionally, there has been made efforts for communication before.
We've just reviewed your orders and you HAVE NOT agreed to the newsletter - no wonder you don't receive information if you don't sign up the newsletter.
Also, you have send no response to our inquiry to cooperate with all inquires made from your website or generally all harsh critics from France, as you say.
As stated in the FAQ, if you feel bad about having paid for such a long time - there has been no need to pay in advance! My colleagues will help you refunding your two orders of Sturmwind.
If you like to help communicating as you stated out so many times, we would be very pleased to do so with the French Dreamcast-News community. But you need to help us since you are the webmaster.
A chacun de se faire son idée (ou pas).
Lien officiel : commentaire RSG